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Anesthesia consulting pain services

Consulting Acute Pain Service (APS)

  • If refractory to multimodal pain regimen above, consider consulting APS for:
    • Acute pain due to surgery in the last 7-10 days
    • Acute pain due to new trauma
  • APS also provides services for patients who are receiving regional anesthetic (nerve blocks, nerve catheters) techniques

Consulting Perioperative Consult Service

  • Periop provides pain management and implements enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) for specific surgical patients on the ERAS pathway

Consulting Chronic Pain Service (CPS)

  • Service for patients with chronic pain and cancer-related pain
  • If a patient is having an acute flare of a chronic problem that is not related to surgery or trauma, consult CPS
    • Examples: IBD flare, chronic pancreatitis, sickle cell pain crisis
  • Consultation available Monday through Friday 7am-3pm
  • The Transitional Pain Service (TPS) is a division of CPS: evaluate chronic pain patients preoperatively in clinic or before hospital discharge for outpatient pain management recommendations after surgery