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Hypercoagulable States

Chris Cann


  • Virchow’s triad:
    • Hypercoagulability
    • Stasis
    • Endothelial injury
  • Diagnostic thrombophilia testing indications
    • Idiopathic or recurrent VTE
    • First VTE at <40 years old
    • VTE in the setting of strong family history
    • VTE in unusual vascular site (cerebral, renal, mesenteric)
    • Recurrent pregnancy loss
  • Must consider if thrombophilia testing will change clinical management
    • If the unprovoked VTE warrants indefinite anticoagulation then testing may not be helpful
    • However, if VTE provoked by minor risk factor (OCPs) with an underlying thrombophilia might change the decision, then testing may be informative
  • Separated into acquired and hereditary conditions
    • Hereditary:
      • Factor V Leiden mutation
      • Prothrombin mutation
      • Protein C or S deficiency
      • Antithrombin deficiency
    • Acquired
      • Antiphospholipid syndrome (APLS)
      • Myeloproliferative neoplasms, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
      • Heparin induced thrombocytopenia (HIT)
      • Major surgery/trauma
      • Nephrotic syndrome
      • Smoking
      • Pregnancy
      • Oral contraceptives
      • Immobilization (bedridden, hip/knee replacement)
      • Active malignancy
      • Estrogen replacement therapy
      • Note: Travel (plane, train, automobile) is NOT on this list and this is NOT considered a provoking risk factor
  • Testing: All specific testing for hereditary disorders and APS should be performed at least 4-6 weeks after an acute thrombotic event or discontinuation of anticoagulant/thrombolytic therapies to avoid interference.

Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome (APLS)


  • Most common acquired disorder (anti-phospholipid antibodies present in 3-5% population)
  • Recurrent pregnancy loss, provoked DVT in young, unprovoked VTE and arterial thrombosis in young, thrombosis unusual sites, thrombosis in autoimmune disease
  • This is a clinicopathologic diagnosis (need both clinical and laboratory criteria)


  • Positive for at least 1 lab criterion on at least 2 occasions, at least 12 weeks apart:
    • Lupus anticoagulant: can occur in relation to drugs or infection; transient are associated with thrombotic risk
    • Anticardiolipin antibodies
    • β 2GP1 (anti- β2-glycoprotein) antibodies
  • Must also meet at least 1 of the following clinical criteria:
    • Vascular thrombosis: DVT, arterial thrombosis, or small vessel thrombosis of any organ
    • Pregnancy loss: there are specific criteria for this–consult UpToDate or other resource


  • Aspirin for primary prevention; warfarin for treatment (INR 2-3)
  • Do NOT use DOACs for triple positive APLS (see TRAPS trial: rivaroxaban inferior to warfarin)
  • Rituximab for recurrent thrombosis despite anticoagulation (controversial): call Hematology

Catastrophic APLS


  • Widespread thrombosis with multi-organ failure
  • Intra-abdominal: Renal failure, pancreatitis, adrenal and splenic infarcts, mesenteric ischemia
  • Pulmonary: respiratory failure
  • CNS involvement including stroke
  • Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (due to tissue necrosis)
  • TMA/DIC syndrome

Diagnostic criteria

  • Evidence of multi-organ involvement (3 or more)
  • Confirmed by imaging techniques
  • Renal involvement can be defined as rise in serum creatinine by 50%, severe systemic hypertension, or proteinuria (>500mg/d)
  • Development of manifestations simultaneously or within 1 week
  • Confirmation by histopathology of small vessel occlusion
  • Laboratory confirmation of aPL antibodies (detected on 2 occasions 12 weeks apart)


  • Parenteral anticoagulation and high dose steroids
  • For refractory cases: PLEX, rituximab

Heparin-induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT)

  • Separated into Type 1 and Type 2
    • Type 1: Mild and self-limited (not immune-mediated)
      • Occurs within the first 2 days of first-time exposure
      • Platelet count normalizes with continued heparin therapy
    • Type 2 (what we typically refer to as HIT): Immune mediated
      • Fall in platelet 30% to over 50% (even if platelet count >150) and/or thrombotic event has occurred
        • 4-10 days after new exposure to heparin derivative OR ≤
        • 1 day after restarting heparin derivative that had been used 30-100 days prior
          • If exposed to heparin within 100 days, will have platelet drop within 24 hr
  • Frequency: unfractionated heparin > LMWH; surgical wards > medical wards
  • 50% will have thrombotic event in 30 days if HIT is untreated with 20% mortality
  • Arterial thrombi are common in HIT
  • HIT results from antibodies to complexes of platelet factor 4 (PF4) and heparin, further activating platelets (the activated platelets aggregate causing thrombocytopenia)


  • 4T score (0-8 points):
    • Thrombocytopenia (0-2 pts): degree and nadir of platelet count drop
    • Timing (0-2 pts): timing of fall after initial or recurrent heparin exposure
    • Thrombosis (0-2 pts): thrombosis, skin necrosis, non-necrotizing lesions, acute systemic reaction to heparin
    • Other causes of thrombocytopenia (0-2 pts): more points if no alternate cause
  • Solid-phase ELISA for heparin-PF4 antibodies
    • 0.2-0.4 is indeterminate
    • >0.4 is positive
    • >1.4 HIT is likely
    • >2 confirms HIT
    • The lab at VUMC will perform functional SRA reflexively for all values >0.2


  • 0-3 points: Low concern for HIT; can restart heparin
  • 4-5 points: Intermediate probability (~10%); hold heparin, start non-heparin anticoagulant
  • 6 points: High probability (~50%); hold heparin, start non-heparin anticoagulant
  • Argatroban (direct thrombin inhibitor) for prophylaxis and treatment of thrombosis
    • Avoid platelet transfusions as can increase thrombogenic effect
    • Avoid warfarin until complete platelet recovery as may cause microthrombosis
  • Hematology consult for all confirmed HIT

Factor V Leiden Mutation


  • Activated protein C resistance assay
    • APC ratio in pt vs. normal
    • Normal >2.0, heterozygotes 1.5-2.0, homozygotes <1.5
  • FVL mutation is then determined via PCR
  • Screen with APC assay rather than PCR initially; cost effective


  • VTE treatment same as general population
    • VTE 4-8x risk in heterozygotes; 80x risk in homozygotes
  • Avoid OCPs: increased risk for VTE

Prothrombin Gene Mutation


  • PCR of G20210A mutation (2-4% prevalence)


  • VTE treatment same as general population and avoid OCPs

Protein C and S Deficiency


  • Autosomal dominant; first event occurs between 10-50 years of age
  • Synthesized in liver and Vit K dependent; therefore low levels in hepatic dysfunction and warfarin use/vitamin K deficiency
  • Protein C: low in settings of thrombosis, DIC, nephrotic syndrome, intra/post-op
  • Protein S: low in infectious (HIV) and autoimmune processes (IBD)
  • Protein S decreases during pregnancy (decreased free protein S, normal total protein S)
    • Do not misdiagnose a pregnant pt with PS deficiency


  • Functional Protein C and S assays


  • VTE treatment same as general population
  • Avoid OCPs
  • High risk pts may require protein C concentrate prior to surgery
  • Increased risk of warfarin-induced skin necrosis

Antithrombin Deficiency


  • Autosomal dominant, does not skip generations
  • VTE in unusual sites (cerebral sinuses, renal veins)
  • Present < 50, but rarely in first two decades
  • Decreased in liver disease, nephrotic syndrome, protein losing enteropathy, burn, trauma, bypass surgery, metastatic tumors, premenopausal, OCP use, pregnancy


  • Functional antithrombin activity (AT-heparin cofactor assay)
  • Then perform antigen quantity testing


  • Can use argatroban as does not require antithrombin function
  • Warfarin preferred in VTE (titrate up based on expression of antithrombin deficiency)