Gastroesophageal Varices and Hemorrhage¶
H. Anh Nguyen
- Varices form due to portosystemic collaterals in the setting of portal HTN
- Gastroesophageal varices are present in approximately 50% of patients with cirrhosis and their presence correlates with severity of liver disease
- The risk of mortality with esophageal variceal hemorrhage (EVH) can be up to 15-20%
- Recurrence occurs in over 60% of patients within 1-2 years of the index event
- The most important predictor of hemorrhage is the size of the varices. Other predictors include decompensated cirrhosis (Child B/C) and endoscopic presence of red wale marks or red spots
Variceal Screening¶
Not all pts with cirrhosis require screening. Can be omitted without clinically significant portal hypertension (e.g. low liver stiffness (on elastography) and platelets >150) or if pt already on non-selective beta blocker (NSBB) with HR 55-60
Compensated cirrhosis without varices: EGD q3yr, unless active liver injury (obesity, EtOH use, ongoing viral infxn), then q2yr
Compensated cirrhosis with small varices: EGD q2yr unless active liver injury, then q1yr
Decompensated cirrhosis with no or small nonbleeding varices: EGD q1yr, and at initial time of decompensation
Management (Non-Bleeding Varices)¶
Primary ppx with either NSBB (preferred) or endoscopic band ligation (EBL)
- Nadolol (given nightly as portal pressures are highest at night) or propranolol (BID)
- Carvedilol has greater portal pressures and may be preferred if tolerated (goal 6.25mg BID)
- For 2 º ppx, initiate ~72hr after acute bleed has resolved and octreotide discontinued
- Discontinue if: hypotension (sBP <90), AKI, SBP or hyponatremia with refractory ascites
Secondary ppx with both NSBB and EBL.
- NSBB are associated with reduced mortality, while EBL is not
Management (Bleeding Varices)¶
Place two large-bore IVs (18G or larger), resuscitate with blood products and albumin. Activate massive transfusion protocol if needed.
Consider intubation if need for emergent EGD, change in mental status, ongoing hematemesis, concern of ability to protect airway
Start octreotide 50 mcg IV bolus followed by continuous infusion of 50 mcg/h, to be continued for at least 2 days should EVH be confirmed on endoscopy
Ceftriaxone 1g IV q24h for SBP prophylaxis (reduced mortality), then transition to PO ciprofloxacin for total 7-day course
Consult GI for upper endoscopy. Endoscopic therapies performed include variceal band ligation and sclerotherapy.
Consider balloon tamponade with Blakemore as temporizing measure before definitive management. Patient must be intubated before placement, and preferably GI should be made aware prior to placement.
No role for the correction of INR, even in the presence of bleeding as excessive blood products and FFP can increase portal pressures and cause worsening bleeding
- Vitamin K can be given w/ ↑ INR, though is unlikely to help in the acute setting
- Check TEG and fibrinogen and transfuse based on results
- AASLD does not recommend specific platelet targets during variceal hemorrhage
- Administer blood products in balanced ratio to avoid transfusion related coagulopathy (VUMC MTP is 6:4:1 of RBC:FFP:PLT)