Elevated Intracranial Pressure (ICP) and Hydrocephalus¶
Madelaine Behrens
Communicating hydrocephalus (i.e. non-obstructive)
- Causes: subarachnoid granule scarring after subarachnoid hemorrhage or meningitis (Cryptococcal), ependymoma producing excess CSF, venous sinus thrombosis
- Safe to perform lumbar puncture
Non-communicating/Obstructive Hydrocephalus
- Causes: tumor, abscess, or hematoma in the midline ventricular structures
- Avoid lumbar punctures due to risk of herniation
Eventually, elevated ICP will cause brain herniation
Headache (can be positional), blurred vision, visual field reduction, enlarged blind spot, nausea, vomiting, encephalopathy, syncope, coma
Sixth nerve palsies are common (inability for eye to look towards ipsilateral side)
Third nerve palsies (blown pupil) are classically associated with uncal herniation
Visual exam: visual fields, enlarged blind spot, papilledema (may not be present if very rapid ICP increase, even with vision loss), and CN6 nerve palsies
STAT head CT to look for midline shift, obstructions, and mass lesions
- Consider Neurosurgery evaluation if obstructive lesion or concern for herniation (craniectomy vs resection vs evacuation vs ventricular drain)
CTV or MRV w/wo to look for venous sinus thrombosis (especially in pregnant pts) o Venous sinus thrombosis needs anticoagulation, even if there is some degree of hemorrhagic infarction
If no obstructive lesion, obtain lumbar puncture with opening pressure (elevated OP > 20mmgHg)
- If workup is otherwise normal, except for elevated opening pressure, this is suggestive of idiopathic intracranial hypertension
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension
- Acetazolamide and/or topiramate
- Ophthalmology evaluation emergently for consideration of nerve sheath fenestrations or urgent ventriculoperitoneal shunt placement if severe disc edema
If there is clinical concern for herniation
- Cushing Triad: vital sign changes in herniation, widened pulse pressure (increasing systolic, decreasing diastolic), bradycardia, and irregular respirations
- Mannitol: 50g IV, can be given peripherally. Has risks of renal injury. Associated with initial increase in ICP, often given with furosemide to counter this.
- Hypertonic saline: 3%, 7% or 23% saline can be given, needs central access for repeat administration but initial dose can be given via peripheral IV
- Maintain head of bed at least 30° and loosen neck obstructions (c-collars) as able
- Consider neurosurgery consult for shunt/external ventricular drain consideration
- Hyperventilation can be done with goal PaCO2 30-34 mmHg or ETCO2 20-30 mmHg but is
only a temporizing measure and risks rebound edema
- After 4-6h, compensatory pH changes in the blood prevent vasoconstrictive affects