Medical and Psychiatric Holds¶
Laura Artim, reviewed by Jonathan Smith and Daniel Daunis
6401 vs. 6404
"6401": process to detain someone who has a high likelihood of posing harm to themselves or others due to mental illness. Purpose is short-term detention until a prompt psychiatric assessment can be performed
One person completes this. Can be law enforcement officers, psychologists, physicians
Must document justification for why the hold is needed (progress note, assessment form, etc)
"6404": 6404= Certificate of Need. Legal document used for emergency involuntary psychiatric admission
Pt must have mental illness or serious emotional disturbance (excluding intellectual/developmental disabilities) and pose an immediate substantial likelihood of serious harm because of this based on a face-to face assessment by a qualified psychiatric professional
Treatment must be necessary for symptom reduction and lack of treatment would lead to deterioration, with no less drastic alternative to inpatient hospitalization
Two certificates needed: the first to transport a patient to a psychiatric facility and the second for an involuntary admission
Two different qualified persons must each complete a form
- Psychiatry residents can write these due to their special training licenses
No AMA Medical Hold: used when a patient does not have capacity to leave the hospital against medical advice due to a medical condition and needs to remain in the hospital. A 6401, nor 6404 should be completed.
- Can be ordered by any physician Medical Hold Order Set
VUH specific procedures¶
- A physical copy of the first 6404 is required to accompany the patient when they are transported to a psychiatric facility after medical discharge. The form is completed by the psychiatry team