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Substance Use Disorder (SUD)

Ben Johnson


  • SUDs are common, complex, and chronic neuropsychiatric disorders with well-described inherited risk, dysregulated neurophysiology, and multiple effective treatment modalities

  • Patients with SUD face significant stigma, prior traumatic experiences in healthcare environments

    • Using the term “abuse” undermines the disease model of addiction and perpetuates stigma
    • Person-centered, specific terminology: “Person with opioid and alcohol use disorders”
  • Avoid the qualifier “Polysubstance.” Instead, clarify specific diagnoses for each substance category

  • DSM 5 Criteria (same for most substance categories): Requires 2+ criteria met in past year and the patient’s use must cause clinically significant impairment and/or distress:

    • Loss of control: Larger amounts, longer time, ongoing use despite consequences, efforts/desire to reduce use
    • Physiologic changes: Tolerance, withdrawal (these 2 alone do not necessarily imply a disorder if they result from prescribed therapy), craving
    • Consequences: hazardous use, interpersonal problems, medical problems, failed role obligations, lost activities


  • First priority in the inpatient medical setting is to identify and stabilize withdrawal states

    • Mitigate risks of severe sequelae (seizure, delirium)
    • Avoid unintended iatrogenic harm (e.g. opioid abstinence leading to lost tolerance and post-discharge overdose)
    • Avoid distress-driven AMA discharge (discrimination resulting from stigma)
  • Consider Addiction Psychiatry consultation for:

    • Management of complex withdrawal states
    • Substance use disorders and co-occurring psychiatric diagnoses
    • Assistance with risk stratification for discharge with PICC lines for outpatient antibiotics and/or people who continue to use illicit substances while hospitalized
    • Differentiation of pain requiring opioid therapy and opioid use disorder
    • Harm reduction resources
  • If in the emergency room and not admitted, consult PAS