Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs)¶
Madelaine Behrens
Full PFTs include:¶
Spirometry: FVC, FEV1, with or without bronchodilator
- Patients with new shortness of breath, chronic cough, or upper airway obstruction
Plethysmography: TLC, RV
- Evaluation of restrictive diseases (ILD, neuromuscular) or hyperinflation (COPD, asthma)
Diffusion (DLCO) can be added to plethysmography
'Full PFTs' = Spirometry + Plethysmography + DLCO
Tips for ordering:¶
Initial diagnostic workup: Full PFTs with bronchodilator challenge
Chronic Lung disease: Spirometry to track FEV1/FVC over time ± DLCO to evaluate ILD
Distinguish between obstructive and restrictive disease
FEV1/FVC \< 0.7 indicates obstructive disease
- Normal to increased FVC & TLC is consistent with isolated obstructive disease
TLC < 80% or < LLN (ATS) is diagnostic of restrictive disease
Reduced FVC is suggestive, but not diagnostic of restrictive disease
FEV1 commonly too but FEV1/FVC ratio is normal in isolated restrictive disease
Decreased FEV1/FVC and TLC suggests a mixed obstructive and restrictive picture
Decreased FVC in restriction or air trapping, RV and FRC with restriction, RV and FRC with air trapping
ERV ± FRC ̄ in obesity
Assess DLCO -- <LLN (ATS) or <80% (GOLD) is low
- Decreased DLCO can help differentiate between causes of obstructive or restrictive PFTs
- DLCO >120%: LàR shunt, alveolar hemorrhage, polycythemia
- Normal DLCO + obstruction: asthma, early COPD/CF
- Normal DLCO + restriction: pleural disease, chest wall (obesity, scoliosis), neuromusculardisorders)
- Low DLCO + obstructionàemphysema, CF, bronchiectasis
- Low DLCO + restrictionàparenchymal lung disease, lung resection
- Low DLCO + normal spirometry: anemia, early ILD, pulmonary edema, mixed obstruction/restriction pattern (pseudonormalization of PFTs)
Bronchodilator response:
Asthma: spirometry may be normal, +bronchodilator response (an increase in FEV1 by 12% and 200ml after bronchodilator), +methacholine challenge
Though we use FEV1/FVC to diagnose, we track disease severity using FEV1